
David Meyer

伊赫是古埃及的童年、音乐和欢乐之神,他的名字被翻译成 "sistrum 播放器 "或 "小牛 "的意思。 他与神圣的 sistrum 音乐密切相关,这是一种音乐拨浪鼓形式的打击乐器,最早被古埃及人用于舞蹈和宗教仪式。

在古埃及的《棺材文本》和标志性的《亡灵书》中,伊赫只出现过寥寥数次,在埃及神话中扮演的角色相对较小。 伊赫经常以一个孩童或梳着少年头的男孩的形象出现,他弹奏西斯特拉姆琴,手持门纳特。 他作为童神的形象巩固了古埃及人对神作为一个家族群体的信仰。

在丹德拉神庙产房或玛米西的铭文中,伊赫的童神形象是一个赤身裸体的小男孩。 他翻卷的侧发被精心编成辫子,表明他还不到 14 岁。 他的一只手拿着黄铜或青铜制成的神圣拨浪鼓(sistrum),另一只手用一根手指放在嘴边,摆出一副稚气未脱的姿势。 伊赫身着神圣的门纳特(menat项链和装饰有下埃及乌拉乌斯标志的红白相间的 Pshent 王冠。

See_also: 象征权力的 10 大花卉


    关于 Ihy 的事实

    • 他的名字被翻译成 "sistrum player "或 "calf"(小牛)。
    • 伊赫是拉和哈索尔的儿子
    • 代表欢乐的童年和完美的孩子
    • Ihy 在《棺材文本》和标志性的《死者之书》中出现过几次
    • 描绘的是一个戴着年轻侧锁的小男孩,他手持 "menat",正在弹奏 "sistrum"。

    Ihy 的神系

    尽管伊赫在上埃及只是一个小神,但他却是一个庞大家族的成员。 伊赫最早的形象是荷鲁斯、伊希斯、尼特或塞克美特的孩子。 后来,人们普遍认为伊赫是哈托尔和荷鲁斯长老的儿子。 他与哈托尔一起被供奉在登德拉,并在宗教节日中被召唤。

    丹德拉(Dendera)的几座出生房屋的墙上都刻有纪念伊赫出生的碑文。 古埃及人认为,孩子出生时应该有欢乐和音乐迎接。 埃及学家指出,伊赫显然受到其神圣家族的宠爱,这进一步巩固了他作为典型不朽儿童的地位。




    作为古埃及的音乐之神,伊赫定义了童年的嬉戏。 伊赫是婴儿期纯音乐的化身,代表着演奏司琴所带来的快乐。 上埃及文化将演奏司琴与哈托尔崇拜联系在一起。

    See_also: 22 大古罗马符号及其含义

    随着时间的推移,伊赫逐渐成为一个象征,代表着更复杂的宗教概念,而不仅仅是音乐。 他对音乐的热情表达与对哈托尔的崇拜融为一体,将他塑造成了埃及人的欲望之神、享乐之神和生育之神。 伊赫也是古埃及人心目中的 "面包之神",他掌管着啤酒。 古埃及人深信,要崇拜哈托尔,他们需要通过这样祭拜伊赫,他们还可以与伊赫的母亲交流。

    Ihy "与母亲的天然联系逐渐演变成母亲对孩子奉献的象征。 哈托尔被奉为牛头女神,"Ihy "自然而然地扮演了她的小牛的角色。 古埃及人经常用 "Ihy "帮助牛群渡过小溪或河流。 小牛或 "Ihy "被装上船。 小牛的母亲跟在船后,带领着闻讯赶来的牛群。穿过小溪。



    标题图片来源:Roland Unger [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

    David Meyer
    David Meyer
    Jeremy Cruz, a passionate historian and educator, is the creative mind behind the captivating blog for history lovers, teachers, and their students. With a deep-rooted love for the past and an unwavering commitment to spreading historical knowledge, Jeremy has established himself as a trusted source of information and inspiration.Jeremy's journey into the world of history began during his childhood, as he avidly devoured every history book he could get his hands on. Fascinated by the stories of ancient civilizations, pivotal moments in time, and the individuals who shaped our world, he knew from an early age that he wanted to share this passion with others.After completing his formal education in history, Jeremy embarked on a teaching career that spanned over a decade. His commitment to fostering a love for history among his students was unwavering, and he continually sought innovative ways to engage and captivate young minds. Recognizing the potential of technology as a powerful educational tool, he turned his attention to the digital realm, creating his influential history blog.Jeremy's blog is a testament to his dedication to making history accessible and engaging for all. Through his eloquent writing, meticulous research, and vibrant storytelling, he breathes life into the events of the past, enabling readers to feel as if they are witnessing history unfold beforetheir eyes. Whether it's a rarely known anecdote, an in-depth analysis of a significant historical event, or an exploration of the lives of influential figures, his captivating narratives have garnered a dedicated following.Beyond his blog, Jeremy is also actively involved in various historical preservation efforts, working closely with museums and local historical societies to ensure the stories of our past are safeguarded for future generations. Known for his dynamic speaking engagements and workshops for fellow educators, he constantly strives to inspire others to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of history.Jeremy Cruz's blog serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to making history accessible, engaging, and relevant in today's fast-paced world. With his uncanny ability to transport readers to the heart of historical moments, he continues to foster a love for the past among history enthusiasts, teachers, and their eager students alike.