谁发明了口袋? 口袋的历史

谁发明了口袋? 口袋的历史
David Meyer


服装上的口袋种类繁多,但并非总是如此。 最早的口袋是人们挂在腰带上的小袋子,用来装硬币和其他小件贵重物品。



    口袋 "一词从何而来?

    有人认为,"口袋 "一词源自盎格鲁-诺曼底语中的""。 pokete "[2],翻译为" 小手袋 ".

    照片:K8 on Unsplash

    还有人说,它源于古北欧法语单词 "poquet"[3],也有袋子或麻袋的意思。 无论起源如何,"口袋 "一词的现代定义都是合理的。 下面我将解释一下口袋的历史。

    See_also: 罗马人了解美国吗?


    15 世纪农民的腰带上挂着口袋

    Tacuinum Sanitatis - The Gode Cookery,公共领域,通过维基共享资源



    不过,我在研究这个话题时发现,口袋的历史可以追溯到公元前 3300 年。

    1991 年 9 月 19 日,在意大利和奥地利交界处厄茨阿尔卑斯山的西米劳恩冰川上发现了一具保存完好的男性木乃伊[4]。

    这具木乃伊被称为 "冰人",最有趣的是它的腰带上绑着一个皮袋,皮袋上还有一根细皮绳用来封住袋口。

    不过,fitchets 是最早的口袋种类,它引领了现代口袋的发展。 这种口袋发明于 13 世纪的欧洲[5],其形式是在超级外衣上剪出垂直的缝隙。 不过,这种口袋并不十分出名。

    根据历史学家 Rebecca Unsworth [6] 的研究,口袋在 15 世纪末到 17 世纪初变得越来越明显。



    科学家们用煤球菌敲击燧石,产生了阵阵火花。 因此,可以确定,煤球菌和燧石放在口袋里可以生火。 所以,古代人用口袋来装载生存所需的必需品。

    说到 13 世纪(及其后)出现的口袋,男性用来存放钱和其他小件贵重物品。 另一方面,女性则用早期的各种口袋来携带鼻烟盒、嗅盐和手帕。



    15 世纪,男性和女性都佩戴小袋来携带钱币和个人物品[8]。 这些小袋的设计对男女都一样,可以藏在夹克或外套等衣物下面,使其不被人发现。

    当时,所有的口袋都是手工制作的,以配合特定的马甲或衬裙。 到了 17 世纪,口袋变得越来越普遍,并开始被缝在男士服装的衬里上 [9] 。

    18 世纪妇女的挂袋


    女性口袋的历史发展缓慢,18 世纪初,女性要求用钱包而不是布口袋来存放她们的物品。 因此,人们制作了小网袋,称为网兜[10]。

    首先,它们在法国时装界流行起来,然后传到英国,人们开始称它们为 "不可或缺的东西"。 但当时的女装仍然没有口袋。

    早在 1838 年出版的《工人指南》(Workman's Guide)[11] 中就首次提出了在女装中添加口袋的想法,但设计师们花了将近 40 年的时间才开始在女装中添加口袋,并在 19 世纪 80 年代至 90 年代期间逐渐普及[1 2]。

    照片由 Mica Asato 在 Pexels 上拍摄

    19 世纪,男女裤装都开始出现口袋,但人类仍未意识到牛仔裤的魅力。 1873 年 5 月 20 日[13],Levi Strauss & Co.公司发明了牛仔裤(当然是有口袋的),特别适用于在田间劳作的男性。

    1934 年,同一家公司开始销售 Lady Levi's 牛仔裤 [14],以庆祝公司成立 80 周年。

    See_also: 15 大贵族象征及其含义

    虽然这些带口袋的牛仔裤是为工人阶级设计的,但由于《狂野年代》[15] 和《无因的反叛》[16] 等电影的热映,它们与 "酷青年 "联系在了一起!


    如今,口袋的用途多种多样,包括装钥匙、电话和其他小件物品。 有些口袋甚至大到可以装钱包或太阳镜。

    照片由 RODNAE Productions 在 Pexels 上发布

    现在,很难找到没有口袋的男女休闲装了。 现代服装有不同类型的口袋,包括以下几种:

    • 胸前外袋 它位于外套的左侧,通常只放一块手帕或一两张纸币。
    • 胸前内袋 它位于夹克内侧(通常在左侧),通常放置钱包、护照或钢笔等贵重物品。
    • 表袋 现在,牛仔裤的右侧也有一个长方形的小口袋,也叫硬币袋。
    • 储物袋 货郎裤和牛仔裤上的大口袋,最初是为作战服制作的,用于装载与作战有关的大件物品。
    • 斜口袋 人们用它来装智能手机、钥匙和钱包。
    • 弧形口袋 它位于牛仔裤的背面,大多数人都用它来装钱包。


    这么多年过去了,口袋的内容肯定发生了变化,但我们对口袋的需求却没有改变。 对于大多数人来说,尤其是男性,穿没有口袋的衣服出门几乎是不可想象的。


    David Meyer
    David Meyer
    Jeremy Cruz, a passionate historian and educator, is the creative mind behind the captivating blog for history lovers, teachers, and their students. With a deep-rooted love for the past and an unwavering commitment to spreading historical knowledge, Jeremy has established himself as a trusted source of information and inspiration.Jeremy's journey into the world of history began during his childhood, as he avidly devoured every history book he could get his hands on. Fascinated by the stories of ancient civilizations, pivotal moments in time, and the individuals who shaped our world, he knew from an early age that he wanted to share this passion with others.After completing his formal education in history, Jeremy embarked on a teaching career that spanned over a decade. His commitment to fostering a love for history among his students was unwavering, and he continually sought innovative ways to engage and captivate young minds. Recognizing the potential of technology as a powerful educational tool, he turned his attention to the digital realm, creating his influential history blog.Jeremy's blog is a testament to his dedication to making history accessible and engaging for all. Through his eloquent writing, meticulous research, and vibrant storytelling, he breathes life into the events of the past, enabling readers to feel as if they are witnessing history unfold beforetheir eyes. Whether it's a rarely known anecdote, an in-depth analysis of a significant historical event, or an exploration of the lives of influential figures, his captivating narratives have garnered a dedicated following.Beyond his blog, Jeremy is also actively involved in various historical preservation efforts, working closely with museums and local historical societies to ensure the stories of our past are safeguarded for future generations. Known for his dynamic speaking engagements and workshops for fellow educators, he constantly strives to inspire others to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of history.Jeremy Cruz's blog serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to making history accessible, engaging, and relevant in today's fast-paced world. With his uncanny ability to transport readers to the heart of historical moments, he continues to foster a love for the past among history enthusiasts, teachers, and their eager students alike.