
David Meyer

花朵不需要说话或发出声音就能传达信息,相反,它们可以根据自己的种类和颜色传达特定的情感和情绪 (1)

例如,传奇的后印象派画家文森特-梵高(Vincent Van Gogh)用蓝色鸢尾花来表达信仰和希望。 亚历克斯-卡茨(Alex Katz)在他的艺术作品《蓝色旗帜》(Blue Flags)中也使用了同样的花朵。

See_also: 山的象征意义(九大含义)

此外,在维多利亚时代,鲜花还被用作人们秘密进行调情冒险的一种方式。 毕竟,在当时,人们公开表达自己的情感是违反法律的(2)。

今天,鲜花仍然被用来表达我们的感受。 事实证明,用插花来反映天真和纯洁的概念比你想象的要普遍得多!




    1. 复活节百合


    吉姆-埃文斯,CC BY-SA 4.0,通过维基共享资源

    在复活节期间,你可能会经常在教堂里看到这种白色喇叭状的花朵。 总之,它有很多关于传统和精神的含义。 除了是纯洁的象征,复活节百合花还寓意着希望、重生和新的开始。

    例如,这种花代表复活节期间耶稣基督的复活。 异教徒也用复活节百合花来表达人们对母亲的感激之情(3)。

    花朵也能反映出耐寒性。 一般来说,复活节百合生长在温暖的地方,在夏季的后半段开花。 不过,只要把它们放在玻璃下,它们也能在寒冷的环境中生长。 成熟后,它们可以长到 3 英尺高 (4)

    2. 白玫瑰



    See_also: 伊姆霍特普:祭司、建筑师和医生


    白玫瑰在历史上也发挥了巨大作用,它寓意和平、纯洁和勇敢。 例如,白玫瑰是 15 世纪英国玫瑰战争的主题。 在德国的 "白玫瑰运动 "中,也可以看到白玫瑰的象征意义 (6)

    3. 伯利恒之星


    Jan Rehschuh, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    伯利恒之星原产于地中海地区的乡村。 它从春天一直开到初夏。 一株伯利恒之星可以开出 12-30 朵星形花。


    传说上帝创造了伯利恒之星,引导三位智者找到婴儿耶稣的出生地。 当他们发现婴儿时,上帝没有将其驱逐,而是保留了这颗星星,并将其碎成千万片,作为一朵花送到了人间(8)。

    4. 菊花


    Eric Kilby,来自美国马萨诸塞州萨默维尔,CC BY-SA 2.0,通过维基共享资源

    根据凯尔特人的传说,上帝用雏菊为刚刚失去孩子的父母带来欢乐。 在故事中,雏菊可能在情感上治愈了许多悲伤的爸爸妈妈。 在现实中,雏菊也有多种治疗功效,从支气管炎到炎症(9)。

    雏菊的外形简单而优雅,其独特之处在于它实际上由两部分组成。 您可以在花的内侧找到圆盘小花,而射线小花则位于外侧。

    (10) 此外,由于雏菊清新的外观和醒目的色彩,一些人可能会用它来庆祝非凡的成就。

    5. 莲花


    Hong Zhang (jennyzhh2008), CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    尽管荷花很迷人,但它并不挑食。 只要在潮湿和泥泞的地方,它就能在各种气候条件下茁壮成长。 事实上,荷花在印度、伊朗、俄罗斯、中国和澳大利亚等国家都能顺利生长。

    在世界各地,莲花都是从浑浊的水中绽放出来的,因此很多人认为莲花是纯洁的象征。 这可能是因为莲花能够在周围环境的影响下保持一尘不染。 毕竟,莲花的外层可以阻挡水和污垢(12)。




    图片作者 TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋) 来自 flicker (CC BY 2.0)

    婴儿呼吸草原产于欧亚大陆,有大约 150 个品种,研究人员将其分为两类。 第一类是一年生的婴儿呼吸草,可长到 20 英寸高。 第二类是多年生的婴儿呼吸草,可长到 40 英寸高。 (14)


    与名单上的其他花朵一样,婴儿的气息也有一些精神含义。 在基督教信仰中,这种花象征着圣灵。 它还能让人联想到上帝的神力,在轻声细语中展现出来(16)。

    7. 白兰花


    Ramesh NG, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    兰花一词的起源要追溯到公元前 300 年,当时 Theophrastus 在他的研究中提到了 "orkhis "一词,在英语中是睾丸的意思。 恰巧,兰花的根部与男性生殖腺有一些相似之处(17)。

    尽管有这样的词源,兰花仍然象征着各种积极的特性。 首先,这种兰花的洁白使其成为纯洁的最佳象征。 这种花还象征着纯真、优雅和崇敬(18)。

    兰花还带有皇室元素。 首先,在维多利亚时代,白兰花是英国财富的象征。 1934 年,危地马拉宣布白姑兰为该国国花。


    从玫瑰的娇艳到兰花的独特美丽,象征纯洁的花朵都具有重要的历史和精神意义。 这些花朵还激发了许多人的灵感,成为传说和民间传说的一部分。

    今天,我们仍然用花来表彰成就,反映纯真的观念,庆祝重要的时刻。 这表明,时间未能削弱花的语言!


    1. //www.bloomandwild.com/floriography-language-of-flowers-meaning
    2. //www.invaluable.com/blog/floriography/
    3. //extension.unr.edu/publication.aspx?PubID=2140
    4. //www.hort.cornell.edu/4hplants/Flowers/Easterlily.html
    5. //www.brides.com/rose-color-meanings-5223107
    6. //thursd.com/articles/the-meaning-of-white-roses
    7. //www.canr.msu.edu/news/the_star_of_bethlehem_a_beautiful_and_meaningful_cut_flower
    8. //florgeous.com/star-of-bethlehem-flower-meaning/
    9. //www.ftd.com/blog/share/daisy-meaning-and-symbolism
    10. //www.1800flowers.com/blog/flower-facts/all-about-daisies/
    11. //www.earth.com/earthpedia-articles/where-does-the-lotus-flower-grow/
    12. //www.saffronmarigold.com/blog/lotus-flower-meaning/
    13. //www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/lotus-flower-meaning
    14. //www.britannica.com/plant/babys-breath
    15. //symbolsage.com/babys-breath-meaning/
    16. //eluneblue.com/babys-breath-flower-symbolism/
    17. //sites.millersville.edu/jasheeha/webDesign/websites/OOroot/history.html
    18. //www.ftd.com/blog/share/orchid-meaning-and-symbolism
    19. //bouqs.com/blog/the-meaning and-symbolism-of-orchids/
    20. //www.insureandgo.com/blog/science-and-nature/national-flowers-from-around-the-world

    David Meyer
    David Meyer
    Jeremy Cruz, a passionate historian and educator, is the creative mind behind the captivating blog for history lovers, teachers, and their students. With a deep-rooted love for the past and an unwavering commitment to spreading historical knowledge, Jeremy has established himself as a trusted source of information and inspiration.Jeremy's journey into the world of history began during his childhood, as he avidly devoured every history book he could get his hands on. Fascinated by the stories of ancient civilizations, pivotal moments in time, and the individuals who shaped our world, he knew from an early age that he wanted to share this passion with others.After completing his formal education in history, Jeremy embarked on a teaching career that spanned over a decade. His commitment to fostering a love for history among his students was unwavering, and he continually sought innovative ways to engage and captivate young minds. Recognizing the potential of technology as a powerful educational tool, he turned his attention to the digital realm, creating his influential history blog.Jeremy's blog is a testament to his dedication to making history accessible and engaging for all. Through his eloquent writing, meticulous research, and vibrant storytelling, he breathes life into the events of the past, enabling readers to feel as if they are witnessing history unfold beforetheir eyes. Whether it's a rarely known anecdote, an in-depth analysis of a significant historical event, or an exploration of the lives of influential figures, his captivating narratives have garnered a dedicated following.Beyond his blog, Jeremy is also actively involved in various historical preservation efforts, working closely with museums and local historical societies to ensure the stories of our past are safeguarded for future generations. Known for his dynamic speaking engagements and workshops for fellow educators, he constantly strives to inspire others to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of history.Jeremy Cruz's blog serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to making history accessible, engaging, and relevant in today's fast-paced world. With his uncanny ability to transport readers to the heart of historical moments, he continues to foster a love for the past among history enthusiasts, teachers, and their eager students alike.